Selected Outputs
Peer reviewed papers and preprints
Williams, B., FitzGibbon, L., Brady, D., & Christakou, A. (2025). Sample size matters when estimating test–retest reliability of behaviour. Behavior Research Methods, 57(4), 123.
Kurth, F., Schijven, D., van den Heuvel, O. A., Hoogman, M., van Rooij, D., Stein, D. J., Buitelaar, J. K., Bölte, S., Auzias, G., Kushki, A., Venkatasubramanian, G., Rubia, K., Bollmann, S., Isaksson, J., Jaspers-Fayer, F., Marsh, R., Batistuzzo, M. C., Arnold, P. D., Bressan, R. A., … Luders, E. (2024). Large-scale analysis of structural brain asymmetries during neurodevelopment: Associations with age and sex in 4265 children and adolescents. Human Brain Mapping, 45(11), e26754.
Williams, B., Rodriguez-Sobstel, C., FitzGibbon, L., Morriss, J., & Christakou, A. (2024). The influence of trait intolerance of uncertainty on behavioural flexibility. bioRxiv, 2024–10.
Rossetti, G. M. K., Dunster, J. L., Sohail, A., Williams, B., Cox, K. M., Jewett, E., Benford, E., Lovegrove, J. A., Gibbins, J. M., & Christakou, A. (2024). Direct control of neurovascular function by circulating platelets in healthy older adults (p. 2024.05.31.596788). bioRxiv.
Jenkinson, P. M., Koukoutsakis, A., Panagiotopoulou, E., Vagnoni, E., Demartini, B., Nistico, V., Gambini, O., Christakou, A., & Fotopoulou, A. (2023). Body appearance values modulate risk aversion in eating restriction. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General.
Williams, B., FitzGibbon, L., Brady, D., & Christakou, A. (2023). Sample size matters when estimating variability of flexible, goal directed behaviour.
Williams, B., Hedger, N., McNabb, C. B., Rossetti, G. M. K., & Christakou, A. (2023). Inter-rater reliability of functional MRI data quality control assessments: A standardised protocol and practical guide using pyfMRIqc. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 17, 1070413.
Williams, B., Roesch, E., & Christakou, A. (2022). Systematic validation of an automated thalamic parcellation technique using anatomical data at 3T. NeuroImage, 258, 119340.
Williams, B., & Christakou, A. (2022). Dissociable roles for the striatal cholinergic system in different flexibility contexts. IBRO Neuroscience Reports, 12, 260–270.
The ENIGMA-ADHD Working Group, Zhang-James, Y., Helminen, E. C., Liu, J., Franke, B., Hoogman, M., & Faraone, S. V. (2021). Evidence for similar structural brain anomalies in youth and adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A machine learning analysis. Translational Psychiatry, 11(1), 82.
Postema, M. C., Hoogman, M., Ambrosino, S., Asherson, P., Banaschewski, T., Bandeira, C. E., Baranov, A., Bau, C. H. D., Baumeister, S., Baur‐Streubel, R., Bellgrove, M. A., Biederman, J., Bralten, J., Brandeis, D., Brem, S., Buitelaar, J. K., Busatto, G. F., Castellanos, F. X., Cercignani, M., … Francks, C. (2021). Analysis of structural brain asymmetries in attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder in 39 datasets. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, jcpp.13396.
Williams, B., & Christakou, A. (2021). Cortical and thalamic influences on striatal involvement in instructed, serial reversal learning; implications for the organisation of flexible behaviour (p. 2021.12.20.472804). bioRxiv.
Williams, B., & Christakou, A. (2021). Dissociable roles for the striatal cholinergic system in different flexibility contexts (p. 2021.12.22.473508). bioRxiv.
Li, T., van Rooij, D., Roth Mota, N., Buitelaar, J. K., Group, T. E. A. W., Hoogman, M., Arias Vasquez, A., & Franke, B. (2021). Characterizing neuroanatomic heterogeneity in people with and without ADHD based on subcortical brain volumes. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 62(9), 1140–1149.
Writing Committee for the Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, & and Schizophrenia ENIGMA Working Groups. (2021). Virtual Histology of Cortical Thickness and Shared Neurobiology in 6 Psychiatric Disorders. JAMA Psychiatry, 78(1), 47–63.
Postema, M. C., Hoogman, M., Group, E. A. W., Glahn, D. C., Jahanshad, N., Medland, S. E., Thompson, P. M., Fisher, S. E., Franke, B., & Francks, C. (2020). Analysis of structural brain asymmetries in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in 39 datasets (p. 2020.03.03.974758). bioRxiv.
Kong, X., ENIGMA Laterality Working Group, Francks, C., Kong, X., Mathias, S. R., Guadalupe, T., Abé, C., Agartz, I., Akudjedu, T. N., Aleman, A., Alhusaini, S., Allen, N. B., Ames, D., Andreassen, O. A., Vasquez, A. A., Armstrong, N. J., Asherson, P., Bergo, F., Bastin, M. E., … Sellgren, C. (2020). Reproducibility in the absence of selective reporting: An illustration from large‐scale brain asymmetry research. Human Brain Mapping, hbm.25154.
Jenkinson, P., Koukoutsakis, A., Panagiotopoulou, E., Vagnoni, E., Demartini, B., Nisticò, V., Gambini, O., Christakou, A., & Fotopoulou, A. (2020). Body appearance values modulate risk aversion in eating restriction. PsyArXiv.
Boedhoe, P. S. W., van Rooij, D., Hoogman, M., Twisk, J. W. R., Schmaal, L., Abe, Y., Alonso, P., Ameis, S. H., Anikin, A., Anticevic, A., Arango, C., Arnold, P. D., Asherson, P., Assogna, F., Auzias, G., Banaschewski, T., Baranov, A., Batistuzzo, M. C., Baumeister, S., … van den Heuvel, O. A. (2020). Subcortical Brain Volume, Regional Cortical Thickness, and Cortical Surface Area Across Disorders: Findings From the ENIGMA ADHD, ASD, and OCD Working Groups. American Journal of Psychiatry, 177(9), 834–843.
Zhang-James, Y. et al. Evidence for Similar Structural Brain Anomalies in Youth and Adult Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Machine Learning Analysis. (2019) doi:10.1101/546671.
Morriss, J., Christakou, A. & Van Reekum, C. M. Multimodal evidence for delayed threat extinction learning in adolescence and young adulthood. Scientific reports 9, 7748 (2019).
Li, T. et al. Characterizing neuroanatomic heterogeneity in people with and without ADHD based on subcortical brain volumes. (2019) doi:10.1101/868414.
Hoogman, M. et al. Brain imaging of the cortex in ADHD: a coordinated analysis of large-scale clinical and population-based samples. American Journal of Psychiatry appi-ajp (2019).
Boedhoe, P. S. W. et al. Subcortical brain volume, regional cortical thickness and cortical surface area across attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). bioRxiv 673012 (2019) doi:10.1101/673012.
Bell, T., Lindner, M., Langdon, A., Mullins, P. G. & Christakou, A. Regional striatal cholinergic involvement in human behavioural flexibility. Journal of Neuroscience 2110–18 (2019) doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2110-18.2019.
Reader, A. T., Rao, V. M., Christakou, A. & Holmes, N. P. A kinematic examination of dual-route processing for action imitation. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics 80, 2069–2083 (2018).
O’Connell, G., Hsu, C.-T., Christakou, A. & Chakrabarti, B. Thinking about others and the future: Neural correlates of perspective taking relate to preferences for delayed rewards. Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience 18, 35–42 (2018).
Norman, L. J. et al. Frontostriatal dysfunction during decision making in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 3, 694–703 (2018).
Morriss, J., Christakou, A. & van Reekum, C. M. Multimodal evidence for delayed fear extinction in adolescence and young adulthood. 355503 (2018).
Kong, X.-Z. et al. Mapping cortical brain asymmetry in 17,141 healthy individuals worldwide via the ENIGMA Consortium. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, E5154–E5163 (2018).
Bell, T., Lindner, M., Mullins, P. G. & Christakou, A. Functional neurochemical imaging of the human striatal cholinergic system during reversal learning. European Journal of Neuroscience 47, 1184–1193 (2018).
Bell, T., Langdon, A., Lindner, M., Lloyd, W. & Christakou, A. Thalamostriatal Interactions in Human Reversal Learning. 246371 (2018).
O’Connell, G., Chakrabarti, B., Hsu, C.-T., Christakou, A. & Dziobek, I. Shared mechanisms for controlling egocentric bias during perspective taking and intertemporal choices. in CogSci (2017).
Norman, L. J. et al. Shared and disorder-specific task-positive and default mode network dysfunctions during sustained attention in paediatric Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and obsessive/compulsive disorder. NeuroImage: Clinical 15, 181–193 (2017).
Norman, L. J. et al. Neural dysfunction during temporal discounting in paediatric attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 269, 97–105 (2017).
Murphy, C. M. et al. Abnormal functional activation and maturation of ventromedial prefrontal cortex and cerebellum during temporal discounting in autism spectrum disorder. Human brain mapping 38, 5343–5355 (2017).
Morriss, J., Pollard, M., Christakou, A. & van Reekum, C. Is it safe? I doubt it: Intolerance of uncertainty is specifically associated with threat generalization acros psychophysiological and neural indices of aversive learning. in Psychophysiology vol. 54 S2–S2 (WILEY 111 RIVER ST, HOBOKEN 07030-5774, NJ USA, 2017).
Lindner, M., Bell, T., Iqbal, S., Mullins, P. G. & Christakou, A. In vivo functional neurochemistry of human cortical cholinergic function during visuospatial attention. PloS one 12, e0171338 (2017).
Carlisi, C. et al. Comparison of neural substrates of temporal discounting between youth with autism spectrum disorder and with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychological medicine 47, 2513–2527 (2017).
Carlisi, C. O. et al. Shared and disorder-specific neurocomputational mechanisms of decision-making in autism spectrum disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Cerebral Cortex 27, 5804–5816 (2017).
Carlisi, C. O. et al. Disorder-specific and shared brain abnormalities during vigilance in autism and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging 2, 644–654 (2017).
Morriss, J., Christakou, A. & Van Reekum, C. M. Nothing is safe: Intolerance of uncertainty is associated with compromised fear extinction learning. Biological psychology 121, 187–193 (2016).
Carlisi, C. et al. The effects of acute fluoxetine administration on temporal discounting in youth with ADHD. Psychological medicine 46, 1197–1209 (2016).
O’Connell, G., Christakou, A. & Chakrabarti, B. The role of simulation in intertemporal choices. Frontiers in Neuroscience 9, 94 (2015).
Christakou, A. (2015). Four-legged fossil snake is a world first. Nature, nature.2015.18050.
Christakou, A. (2015). Four-legged snake fossil sparks legal investigation. Nature, nature.2015.18116.
Morriss, J., Christakou, A. & Van Reekum, C. M. Intolerance of uncertainty predicts fear extinction in amygdala-ventromedial prefrontal cortical circuitry. Biology of mood & anxiety disorders 5, 4 (2015).
Murphy, C. M. et al. Abnormal functional activation and maturation of fronto-striato-temporal and cerebellar regions during sustained attention in autism spectrum disorder. American Journal of Psychiatry 171, 1107–1116 (2014).
Christakou, A. Present simple and continuous: Emergence of self-regulation and contextual sophistication in adolescent decision-making. Neuropsychologia 65, 302–312 (2014).
Chantiluke, K. et al. Disorder-specific functional abnormalities during temporal discounting in youth with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism and comorbid ADHD and Autism. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 223, 113–120 (2014).
O’Connell, G., Christakou, A., Haffey, A. T. & Chakrabarti, B. The role of empathy in choosing rewards from another’s perspective. Frontiers in human neuroscience 7, 174 (2013).
Christakou, A. et al. Neural and psychological maturation of decision-making in adolescence and young adulthood. Journal of cognitive neuroscience 25, 1807–1823 (2013).
Christakou A, R. K., Murphy CM, Chantiluke K, Cubillo AI, Smith AB, Giampietro V, Daly E, Ecker C, Robertson D, MRC AIMS consortium, Murphy DG. Disorder-specific functional abnormalities during sustained attention in youth with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and with autism. Mol Psychiatry 18, 236–244 (2013).
Christakou, A., Brammer, M. & Rubia, K. Maturation of limbic corticostriatal activation and connectivity associated with developmental changes in temporal discounting. Neuroimage 54, 1344–1354 (2011).
Murphy, C. et al. fMRI investigation of sustained attention and sensorimotor synchronization in children and adults with autistic spectrum disorder. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 19, (2010).
Chantiluke, K. et al. Disorder-specific brain dysfunctions during vigilance in children with ADHD and ASD. European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 19, (2010).
Rubia, K., Halari, R., Christakou, A. & Taylor, E. Impulsiveness as a timing disturbance: neurocognitive abnormalities in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder during temporal processes and normalization with methylphenidate. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 364, 1919–1931 (2009).
Rubia, K., Halari, R., Christakou, A. & Taylor, E. hyperactivity disorder during temporal processes and normalization with methylphenidate. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 364, 1919–1931 (2009).
Christakou, A. et al. Sex-dependent age modulation of frontostriatal and temporo-parietal activation during cognitive control. Neuroimage 48, 223–236 (2009).
Christakou, A., Brammer, M., Giampietro, V. & Rubia, K. Right ventromedial and dorsolateral prefrontal cortices mediate adaptive decisions under ambiguity by integrating choice utility and outcome evaluation. Journal of Neuroscience 29, 11020–11028 (2009).
Haggard, P., Christakou, A. & Serino, A. Viewing the body modulates tactile receptive fields. Experimental Brain Research 180, 187–193 (2007).
Baunez, C., Christakou, A., Chudasama, Y., Forni, C. & Robbins, T. W. Bilateral high-frequency stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus on attentional performance: transient deleterious effects and enhanced motivation in both intact and parkinsonian rats. European Journal of Neuroscience 25, 1187–1194 (2007).
Christakou, A., Robbins, T. W. & Everitt, B. J. Prolonged neglect following unilateral disruption of a prefrontal cortical–dorsal striatal system. European Journal of Neuroscience 21, 782–792 (2005).
Christakou, A. Prefrontal Cortical-Ventral Striatal Interactions Involved in Affective Modulation of Attentional Performance: Implications for Corticostriatal Circuit Function. Journal of Neuroscience 24, 773–780 (2004).
Christakou, A., Robbins, T. W. & Everitt, B. J. Functional disconnection of a prefrontal cortical–dorsal striatal system disrupts choice reaction time performance: Implications for attentional function. Behavioral neuroscience 115, 812 (2001).
Christakou, A. Prefrontal cortico-striatal systems underlying executive attention. (University of Cambridge, 2001).
Christakou, A. Predicting the unpredictable. Trends in Cognitive Sciences (2001).
Christakou, A. Nothing to be afraid of? Trends in Cognitive Sciences vol. 5 231 (2001).
Christakou, A. Familiarity breeds order. Trends in Cognitive Sciences vol. 5 5 (2001).
Christakou, A., Robbins, T. & Everitt, B. Functional disconnection of medial prefrontal cortex and medial caudate-putamen: effects on performance on a visual attention task in the rat. in Brain and Cognition vol. 47 35–37 (2001).
Christakou, A. Focusing attention in the parietal cortex. Trends in Cognitive Sciences vol. 4 213 (2000).
Christakou, A., Robbins, T. & Everitt, B. Functional dissociation of medial prefrontal and anterior cingulate cortico-striatal systems based on performance on a visual attention task in the rat. in European Journal of Neuroscience vol. 12 503–503 (2000).
Christakou, A. Not just a motor (inter) face. Trends in Cognitive Sciences vol. 4 79 (2000).
Invited talks
"Against models: Insulation from the disorienting effects of complexity". Perspectives on Scientific Error, February 2025, Bern, Switzerland.
"Fluctuation and Change; implications for neurocognitive development and psychopathology". Introduction and theme motivation by the organising chair, Reading Emotions, June 2023, Reading, UK
"Towards an explanatory empirical programme in developmental cognitive neuroscience". Max Planck UCL Centre for Computational Psychiatry, May 2023, London, UK
"A molecules-to-mind approach to understanding thought and behaviour". School Research Seminar, School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences, Reading, UK
"Cortico-subcortical connectivity and neurochemistry supporting behavioural flexibility". Reading Emotions Symposium 2020, Reading, UK
“Is it safe? I doubt it: Intolerance of uncertainty is specifically associated with threat generalization across psychophysiological and neural indices of aversive learning” Morriss, J., Macdonald, B., Pollard, M., Christakou, A., & van Reekum, C. M. (presented by CvR) 57th Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychophysiological Research, October 2017, Vienna, Austria
"Multimodal neuroimaging of flexible decision-making at experiential and developmental timescales" Symposium on Biology of Decision Making (SBDM), May 2016, Paris, France
"Structural and neurochemical imaging of the human striatal cholinergic system" Research symposium on “Cholinergic mechanisms in adaptive behaviour”, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST), April 2016, Okinawa, Japan
"Flexible decision-making; cortico-subcortical contributions in typical and atypical development" Research Seminar, School of Psychology, University of Bangor, March 2016, UK
"The selfish prism: the human brain constructs pluralistic and utilitarian versions of the world" Seminar series on “Representation and Nature”, Centre for Cognition Research, University of Reading, May 2015, UK
“Value across time and context in the maturing human brain” Neuroeconomics Seminar, Department of Economics and Laboratory for Social and Neural Systems Research, University of Zurich, November 2014, Switzerland
“Wanting to stop: A natural history of the adolescent development of foresight” International expert workshop, supported by the European Science Foundation: “Intentional Inhibition: from motor suppression to self-control” UCL, September 2013, London, UK
“Development of Reward-driven Decision-making in Typical and Atypical Adolescence” Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, University of Cambridge, March 2013, UK
“The brain basis of self-inflicted and socially engineered biases in human decision making” The Association for Science Education (ASE) annual conference, January 2013, Reading, UK
“The CINN Brain Bank Project Update” Stakeholder research update and feedback event hosted by the John Madejski Centre for Reputation and the CINN, Henley Business School, July 2012, UK
“Adolescent maturation of reward-driven decision-making in frontostriatal circuits” Reading Emotions 2012: Neural Interactions and Affect; Basic and Clinical Perspectives, April 2012, Reading, UK
“Development of Reward-driven Decision-making; Typical and Atypical Adolescence and Transition to Adulthood” Emotion and Decision-making Group, Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, UCL, March 2011, London, UK
“The science of decision-making” Brain-based Business: Helping Leaders Make Better Decisions, hosted by the John Madejski Centre for Reputation, CINN, and the Henley Partnership, Henley Business School, November 2010, UK
“Neuroimaging of outcome evaluation during decision making in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder” OCD & Related Disorders Clinic, Sir Michael Rutter Centre for Young People, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust, October 2008, UK
“Neuroimaging of outcome evaluation in decision-making contexts” Neuroimaging Interest Group, Institute of Psychiatry, November 2007, London, UK
“Cortico-striatal circuits in cognitive processing” Cambridge Neuroscience Seminar, Department of Anatomy, University of Cambridge, November 2001, UK
Conference presentations
Williams, B., & Christakou, A. (2024). Edge-centric functional connectivity dynamics across the menstrual cycle. Organisation for Human Brain Mapping, Seoul, South Korea.
Gibbins, J. M. (2023, June 27). Multi-Parameter Analysis of Platelet Function—Towards Personalized Therapy. Annual Meeting of the International Society for Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Montreal, Canada.
Rossetti, G. M. K. (2023, June 12). The HAVEN Study: HAemostatic function, VEssel health, and Neurovascular health. 31st International Symposium on Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 2023, Brisbane, Australia.
Rossetti, G. M. K. (2022, August 31). The HAVEN Study: HAemostatic function, VEssel health, and Neurovascular health. Interpreting BOLD III, Oxford, UK.
Rossetti, G. M., Gibbins, J. M., Lovegrove, J. A., & Christakou, A. (2021). Systemic vascular health and region-specific neurovascular coupling in older adults. 5th Festival of Neuroscience of the British Neuroscience Association.
Rossetti, G. M. K. (2021, April 12). Preregistration: Investigating relationships between HAemostatic function, VEssel health, and Neurocognitive health – The HAVEN Study. 5th Festival of Neuroscience of the British Neuroscience Association.